Safe (Law & Order) Page 10
apartment without him, not until they moved into a house together. “Now you want to
tell me about Henri Gauthier? And where the hell do you think you’re going?”
He noticed she wasn't the least bit surprised he had found out her real name, but
then, he was F.B.I., she probably counted on it happening sooner or later.
“Look, it’s over. The trial is over; all the other bikers are doing time in jail. It’s
time for me to go.”
“Donny Chestnut had a brother, freshly released from Angola. Word is he’s
looking for you.”
That stopped her. For a brief second, she looked so vulnerable, almost innocent.
Shit! He wanted to take her in his arms so damn bad. He understood why he couldn’t.
Desiree wore the whole tough chick persona like a second skin. As much as he itched to
peel away her armor, he had to be smart about it. Hopefully.
“I can handle Henri,” she drew herself up to her full, diminutive height. Cute.
Why the hell would she be running from her step-father? She was a full grown
woman. According to what he had found out, her mother had passed eight years ago.
The man should have no control over her, so why was she hiding from him, and why
the hell was he looking?
“And Jesse Chestnut?”
No reply. She did look visibly shaken, just a touch, but enough. She would stay
for now. All he had to do was figure out a way to make it more permanent.